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/* ddistributions - Basic discrete probability distributions */
/* XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney */
/* Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz */
/* You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the */
/* file COPYING included with this distribution. */
#include "xlisp.h"
#include "osdef.h"
#ifdef ANSI
#include "xlproto.h"
#include "xlsproto.h"
#include "xlfun.h"
#include "xlsfun.h"
#endif ANSI
#ifdef LATTICE /* name conflict JKL */
#define rand randl
/* forward declarations */
#ifdef ANSI
LVAL binomialcdf(void),poissoncdf(void),binomialpmf(void),poissonpmf(void),
void getbinargs(int *,double *),getpoisarg(double *),
double binomial_cdf(int,int,double), poisson_cdf(int,double);
int binomial_quant(double,int,double),poisson_quant(double,double),
LVAL binomialcdf(),poissoncdf(),binomialpmf(),poissonpmf(),
void getbinargs(),getpoisarg(),fixuparglist();
double binomial_cdf(), poisson_cdf();
int binomial_quant),poisson_quant(),poisson_rand(),binomial_rand(),findrlen();
#endif ANSI
#ifndef PI
# define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#endif PI
#ifndef nil
# define nil 0L
/* numerical distribution function */
LOCAL LVAL binomialcdf() { return(cdf('B')); }
LOCAL LVAL poissoncdf() { return(cdf('P')); }
/* recursive distribution functions */
LVAL xsrbinomialcdf()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(binomialcdf, xsrbinomialcdf)); }
LVAL xsrpoissoncdf()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(poissoncdf, xsrpoissoncdf)); }
/* numerical probability mass function */
LOCAL LVAL binomialpmf() { return(pmf('B')); }
LOCAL LVAL poissonpmf() { return(pmf('P')); }
/* recursive probability mass functions */
LVAL xsrbinomialpmf()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(binomialpmf, xsrbinomialpmf)); }
LVAL xsrpoissonpmf()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(poissonpmf, xsrpoissonpmf)); }
/* numerical quantile function */
LOCAL LVAL binomialquant() { return(quant('B')); }
LOCAL LVAL poissonquant() { return(quant('P')); }
/* recursive probability mass functions */
LVAL xsrbinomialquant()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(binomialquant, xsrbinomialquant)); }
LVAL xsrpoissonquant()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(poissonquant, xsrpoissonquant)); }
/* random number generating functions */
LOCAL LVAL binomialrand() { return(rand('B')); }
LOCAL LVAL poissonrand() { return(rand('P')); }
/* recursive probability mass functions */
LVAL xsrbinomialrand()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(binomialrand, xsrbinomialrand)); }
LVAL xsrpoissonrand()
{ return(recursive_subr_map_elements(poissonrand, xsrpoissonrand)); }
/* argument readers */
static void getbinargs(pn,pp)
int *pn;
double *pp;
LVAL Ln, Lp;
int n;
double p;
Ln = xlgafixnum(); n = getfixnum(Ln);
Lp = xlgetarg(); p = makedouble(Lp);
if (n <= 0) xlerror("n is too small", Ln);
if (p < 0.0 || p > 1.0) xlerror("p not between 0 and 1", Lp);
if (pn != nil) *pn = n;
if (pp != nil) *pp = p;
static void getpoisarg(plam)
double *plam;
LVAL Llam;
double lam;
Llam = xlgetarg(); lam = makedouble(Llam);
if (lam < 0.0) xlerror("lambda is too small", Llam);
if (plam != nil) *plam = lam;
/* Numerical Cdf's */
LOCAL LVAL cdf(dist)
char dist;
double p, dx, lam, dp;
int ix, n;
x = xlgetarg(); dx = makedouble(x); ix = floor(dx);
switch (dist) {
case 'B': getbinargs(&n, &p);
dp = binomial_cdf(ix, n, p);
case 'P': getpoisarg(&lam);
dp = poisson_cdf(ix, lam);
default: xlfail(" unknown distribution");
return(cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp));
/* Numerical Pmf's */
LOCAL LVAL pmf(dist)
char dist; /* chnaged JKL */
double p, dx, lam, dp;
int ix, n;
x = xlgafixnum(); ix = getfixnum(x); dx = ix;
switch (dist) {
case 'B': getbinargs(&n, &p);
if (p == 0.0) dp = (ix == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
else if (p == 1.0) dp = (ix == n) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
else if (dx < 0.0 || dx > n) dp = 0.0;
else {
dp = exp(gamma(n + 1.0) - gamma(dx + 1.0) - gamma(n - dx + 1.0)
+ dx * log(p) + (n - dx) * log(1.0 - p));
case 'P': getpoisarg(&lam);
if (lam == 0.0) dp = (ix == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
else if (dx < 0.0) dp = 0.0;
else {
dp = exp(dx * log(lam) - lam - gamma(dx + 1.0));
default: xlfail(" unknown distribution");
return(cvflonum((FLOTYPE) dp));
/* Numerical Quantiles */
LOCAL LVAL quant(dist)
char dist; /* chnaged JKL */
double p, dx, lam;
int n, k;
x = xlgetarg(); dx = makedouble(x);
if (dx <= 0.0 || dx >= 1.0) xlerror("probability not between 0 and 1", x);
switch (dist) {
case 'B': getbinargs(&n, &p);
if (p == 0.0) k = 0;
else if (p == 1.0) k = n;
else k = binomial_quant(dx, n, p);
case 'P': getpoisarg(&lam);
if (lam == 0.0) k = 0;
else k = poisson_quant(dx, lam);
default: xlfail(" unknown distribution");
return(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) k));
/* Random Number Generators */
LOCAL LVAL rand(dist)
char dist; /* chnaged JKL */
LVAL M, sample, variate;
double p, lam;
int m, n, i;
M = xlgafixnum(); m = getfixnum(M);
if (m <= 0) xlerror("non positive number of variates", M);
/* sample = NIL; not needed JKL */
switch (dist) {
case 'B': getbinargs(&n, &p);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
variate = cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) binomial_rand(n, p));
sample = cons(variate, sample);
case 'P': getpoisarg(&lam);
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
variate = cvfixnum((FIXTYPE) poisson_rand(lam));
sample = cons(variate, sample);
default: xlfail(" unknown distribution");
LOCAL double binomial_cdf(k, n, p)
int k, n;
double p;
double da, db, dp;
int ia, ib;
if (k < 0) dp = 0.0;
else if (k >= n) dp = 1.0;
else if (p == 0.0) dp = (k < 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
else if (p == 1.0) dp = (k < n) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
else {
da = k + 1;
db = n - k;
ia = floor(da); ib = floor(db);
betabase(&p, &da, &db, &ia, &ib, &dp);
dp = 1.0 - dp;
LOCAL double poisson_cdf(k, L)
int k;
double L;
double dp, dx;
if (k < 0) dp = 0.0;
else if (L == 0.0) dp = (k < 0) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
else {
dx = k + 1.0;
gammabase(&L, &dx, &dp);
dp = 1.0 - dp;
LOCAL int binomial_quant(x, n, p)
double x, p;
int n;
int k, k1, k2, del, ia;
double m, s, p1, p2, pk;
m = n * p;
s = sqrt(n * p * (1 - p));
del = max(1, (int) (0.2 * s));
k = m + s * ppnd(x, &ia);
k1 = k; k2 = k;
do {
k1 = k1 - del; k1 = max(0, k1);
p1 = binomial_cdf(k1, n, p);
} while (k1 > 0 && p1 > p);
if (k1 == 0 && p1 >= x) return(k1);
do {
k2 = k2 + del; k2 = min(n, k2);
p2 = binomial_cdf(k2, n, p);
} while (k2 < n && p2 < x);
if (k2 == n && p2 <= x) return(k2);
while (k2 - k1 > 1) {
k = (k1 + k2) / 2;
pk = binomial_cdf(k, n, p);
if (pk < x) { k1 = k;/* p1 = pk; not used JKL */ }
else { k2 = k;/* p2 = pk; not used JKL */ }
LOCAL int poisson_quant(x, L)
double x, L;
int k, k1, k2, del, ia;
double m, s, p1, p2, pk;
m = L;
s = sqrt(L);
del = max(1, (int) (0.2 * s));
k = m + s * ppnd(x, &ia);
k1 = k; k2 = k;
do {
k1 = k1 - del; k1 = max(0, k1);
p1 = poisson_cdf(k1, L);
} while (k1 > 0 && p1 > x);
if (k1 == 0 && p1 >= x) return(k1);
do {
k2 = k2 + del;
p2 = poisson_cdf(k2, L);
} while (p2 < x);
while (k2 - k1 > 1) {
k = (k1 + k2) / 2;
pk = poisson_cdf(k, L);
if (pk < x) { k1 = k;/* p1 = pk; not used JKL */ }
else { k2 = k; /* p2 = pk; not used JKL */ }
/* poisson random generator from Numerical Recipes */
LOCAL int poisson_rand(xm)
double xm;
static double sqrt2xm, logxm, expxm, g, oldxm = -1.0;
double t, y;
int k;
if (xm < 12.0) {
if (xm != oldxm) { expxm = exp(-xm); oldxm = xm; }
k = -1;
t = 1.0;
do {
t *= uni();
} while (t > expxm);
else {
if (xm != oldxm) {
oldxm = xm;
sqrt2xm = sqrt(2.0 * xm);
logxm = log(xm);
g = xm * logxm - gamma(xm + 1.0);
do {
do {
y = tan(PI * uni());
k = floor(sqrt2xm * y + xm);
} while (k < 0);
t = 0.9 * (1.0 + y * y) * exp(k * logxm - gamma(k + 1.0) - g);
} while (uni() > t);
return (k);
/* binomial random generator from Numerical Recipes */
LOCAL int binomial_rand(n, pp)
int n;
double pp;
int j, k;
static int nold = -1;
double am, em, g, p, sq, t, y;
static double pold = -1.0, pc, plog, pclog, en, oldg;
p = (pp <= 0.5) ? pp : 1.0 - pp;
am = n * p;
if (p == 0.0) k = 0;
else if (p == 1.0) k = n;
else if (n < 50) {
k = 0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) if (uni() < p) k++;
else if (am < 1.0) {
g = exp(-am);
t = 1.0;
k = -1;
do {
t *= uni();
} while (t > g);
if (k > n) k = n;
else {
if (n != nold) {
en = n;
oldg = gamma(en + 1.0);
nold = n;
if (p != pold) {
pc = 1.0 - p;
plog = log(p);
pclog = log(pc);
pold = p;
sq = sqrt(2.0 * am * pc);
do {
do {
y = tan(PI * uni());
em = sq * y + am;
} while (em < 0.0 || em >= en + 1.0);
em = floor(em);
t = 1.2 * sq * (1.0 + y * y)
* exp(oldg - gamma(em + 1.0) - gamma(en - em + 1.0)
+ em * plog + (en - em) * pclog);
} while (uni() > t);
k = em;
if (p != pp) k = n - k;